
The Outhouses of America Tour was created way back in 1997. The curator used to spend summers on a Minnesota farm and spent many a day in an outhouse. There is a story and pictures of that outhouse that will be included in the Real Outhouses page.

Do you have a story using an outhouse or have a general comment?
“Dump” your answers to the official Outhouse Curator by using the form below…


4 Replies to “About”

  1. A 5′ wide by 4′ deep by 2′ high stone and cement ruin is at the corner of the backyard of my c. 1910 house in Central Florida. A similar structure is in the corner of the yard next door. Was it the base of an outhouse? (No idea how to attach photos.)

    1. Hi, It could be. But it could also be a fruit cellar or some kind of storage shed. The CCC went around and built outhouses and other structures but I think those had cement floors.
      Thanks for asking.

    1. I would like to see pictures of it if you have any along with a brief history. If you would like to see it on the “tour”, let me know that it’s OK with you and who to give credit to under the picture(s). I could say something like “Picture from Alan C. ” Send pictures to “OuthouseTour@outhousetour.com” Thanks, John

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