Loveable Loo

Loveable Loo Information

Common Questions

  1. Why would we “push” the Loveable Loo?
  2. What is a Loveable Loo?
  3. What a Loveable Loo is NOT
  4. Why not just use an Outhouse with a hole under it?
  5. Is a Loveable Loo safe?
  6. Does a Loveable Loo stink?
  7. How does a Loveable Loo work?
  8. Where can I get a Loveable Loo ?
  9. Are there any books about the Loveable Loo?
  10. Can I make a Loveable Loo myself?
  11. Are there any videos containing more information?

Why would be “Push” the Loveable Loo?

Save the planet and make the Outhouse a more enjoyable place to go (literally)! Not only will you have a clean, enjoyable environment to visit, you will be protecting your ground water.  This system has been introduced all over the world including Haiti after the hurricane.


What is a Loveable Loo?

It is a “catchment device”. It requires no inspections, no plumbing, no venting and no electricity. Watch this informative video to find out the facts


What a Loveable Loo is Not

It is NOT a composting toilet. Those are regulated devices that require electricity, water and much more.


Why not just use an Outhouse with a hole under it?

Traditionally, an outhouse had a hole under it where your #1 and #2 went along with TP and lots of other things that people used to throw down the hole. It STINKS! It’s also quite unsanitary. Even though this web site is devoted to Outhouses, WE actually use a Loveable Loo in our Outhouse up north in our off-grid hunting camp and getaway from the grind spot.


Is a Loveable Loo safe?



Does a Loveable Loo stink?



How does a Loveable Loo work?

The Loveable Loo is a wooden device with a toilet seat that holds collection containers (think 5 Gallon bucket). You use common sawdust as a cover material. So you begin with a new container and a layer of sawdust on the bottom. You go to the bathroom (#1 or #2) and immediately afterwards, you cover it with fresh sawdust. That means you need a container next to it with sawdust and a scoop. The sawdust should not be fluffy and dry. It needs to be moist to work. That is the key to containing the odor.

So, you find a local sawmill and take a shovel and some Rubbermaid 18 Gallon tubs there. Ask them nicely and they will let you fill a few containers with sawdust most likely for free.  Once you get home, dump them in a pile so they begin to get wet and decay a bit. It will be the right consistency if you do this.


Where can I get a Loveable Loo?

  1. You can buy a Humanure Handbook from us and use the plans inside to build one yourself
  2. You can buy a kit from Joseph Jenkins and build it at home
  3. You can buy a complete already built Loveable Loo from Joseph Jenkins (comes with a Humanure Handbook)

One think about #3 above is that they ship it to you in a box made out of thick plywood so after you take it out, you can reuse the container. We added hinges and a handle and store all kinds of things in it up north. An important considerations is that if you buy one, it comes with 4 of the green catchment containers (at the correct height) labeled with lids, a Humanure Handbook, Directions and a composting thermometer. When we got ours, the directions were laminated so we keep them right next to the Loveable Loo in case we have guests.


Are there any books about the Loveable Loo?

Yes. There is a book called the Humanure Handbook. You can buy the Humanure Handbook from us but if you buy a Loveable Loo, you will get the book (give it to a friend).


Can I make a Loveable Loo myself?

Yes. You can buy the Humanure Handbook from us and use the plans inside to build one yourself but if you buy a Loveable Loo, you will get the book (give it to a friend).

Another option is to follow the online instructions on Joseph Jenkins web site.


Are there any videos containing more information?

Yes. Joseph Jenkins has all kinds of videos on his web site. Here is a link to go directly to his videos.

Let’s all work to save the environment!


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2 Replies to “Loveable Loo”

  1. are there any other types of cover material ? How do you source your cover materials, can you buy it bagged ? whats the maintenance procedure that pile shown in the video ? how long does it take to turn sawdust black ? thanks

    1. So many questions; So little time…
      Cover material: You can mix greens and browns. Cut grass, weeds, etc. Sawdust is best but not fine sawdust from fine woodworking. We bought a huge rolled bale of hay to use as the top cover for our compost pile. Very course sawdust with huge chunks of wood would not work as well. You want a place that saws logs into rough pieces. That’s the best sawdust and it’s kind of course.
      Sourcing: Find a local sawmill. Do a search for sawmill or sawdust on line. Most places will give it to you for free or almost for free. Some could deliver a truckload but that will cost you. I haven’t looked for it bagged. Again, search the Internet for places in your area. Maybe places like Tractor Supply?
      Maintenance Procedure: If you are adding to the pile weekly, you just add material and it cooks on its own. We only added to ours monthly and it still composted. Let the rain hit it and that will actually help. You could turn it if you wanted but the best way is to add “fresh material” regularly.
      Sawdust: Don’t worry about it turning black. Jenkins is the expert and he had his sawdust delivered in a huge pile and left it out in the elements. It worked fine.
      I hope this helped.

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