Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse in the heart of Ottawa National Forest, Michigan

These pictures were sent to me by Pauly. Their outhouse is 102′ feet Southeast of the Owl Outhouse that is on our web-site. Their neighbors inspired him to build a monster Double Seater. And as their neighbors did, they made a museum of collectibles that reflects items about their family. His father dug the pit on his 60th birthday all by himself. The pit is 6.5′ Deep from the floor; 8′ from the seat; and 6′ wide x 4′ deep. The pit is a large pit built with 3/4″ Treated plywood and Treated 4″x4″s. Pauly showed up at the Camp and his dad had the pit dug and the pit in place. Pauly couldn’t believe it. His Dad said “What… big deal, just a hole. I used to dig holes for the Sewer and Water Dept. of Red Wing, MN when I was a kid working for H.S. and College Boarding School money!” Pauly guesses his father is the master of a “SHOVEL”. He never knew!!!. LOL…

Pauly purchased the property in April of 2006 and started to cut the driveway into the lake 925′ in August of 2007. In the Summer of 2009, the Outhouse was built by his father, Coach Gene Strusz and himself. Their camp is the result of “Yooper Mathematics”; Wisconsin+Minnesota=”Whiskey Soda”…hence the camp name “CAMP WHISKEY SODA” ’cause half the family lives in Minnesota and the other half in Wisconsin…half the family was born in Minnesota and the other half in Wisconsin. Plus our family Camp is in Upper Michigan. LOL
There is a story behind every sign in the “Camp Whiskey Soda’s Double Seater Outhouse”.

Pauly loves our website and he is proud to be part of it.

Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse


Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse


Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse


Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse


Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse
Camp Whiskey Soda Outhouse


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