Philadelphia Outhouse Dig Is a Deep Hot Find

Philadelphia Outhouse Dig Suspected Privy dig area
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig Suspected Privy dig area
Philadelphia Outhouse dig - Rick starting the digging
Philadelphia Outhouse dig – Rick starting the digging

Rick (my outhouse digging expert) got an email from a lady in Philadelphia, She found him from finding his web site (19thcenturybottlediggers). She said she had a sinking spot on her 12 x 10 foot bricked in back yard. A sinking spot is a good indication that an Outhouse or old cistern may have been present in that location. Rick and 3 of his buddies decided to take a trip to Philly and check it out. Here is what happened….

It got too deep to hit bottom. You know you have hit bottom when the bottles and other things stop appearing. They had a 30 foot chain ladder but they needed a 40 footer. They gave most of the bottles to the home owners but Took a few cool ones home. It was quite an experience.

You may wonder if it is dangerous to be way down 30 feet in a hole. I asked Rick if the hold collapsed and what safety precautions they take.

As to the collapsing, brick lined prvies are safe. Those bricks are in that clay tight!  I have never had a “brick liner” cave in. I have dug 30 footers 25 footers  10 footers  now a 40 footer. Not one brick came loose.

Here are more pictures of the dig.

Philadelphia Outhouse Dig map
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig map
Philadelphia Outhouse dig bucket coming up
Philadelphia Outhouse dig bucket coming up
Philadelphia Outhouse dig Brownies for the digging crew
Philadelphia Outhouse dig Brownies for the digging crew
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig 2nd floor shot
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig 2nd floor shot
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig (why you wear a hard hat)
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig (why you wear a hard hat)
Philadelphia Outhouse dig looking up from the bottom
Philadelphia Outhouse dig looking up from the bottom
Philadelphia Outhouse dig bottoms up bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse dig bottoms up bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse dig Brown Crown bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse dig Brown Crown bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig Philly Pharm bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig Philly Pharm bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig midget 58
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig midget 58
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig site owner
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig site owner
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig Flag Bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse Dig Flag Bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse Green Tree Med Bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse Green Tree Med Bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse Cosmo Hutuch Bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse Cosmo Hutuch Bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse dig blue bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse dig blue bottle
Philadelphia Outhouse dig bottles on the window sill
Philadelphia Outhouse dig bottles on the window sill