School Outhouse Digging Project Wins Award

At the regional History Day Competition in Jim Thorpe (3/2016)  the kids competed with other students from other schools in their area. There are many categories for the competition but theirs is an exhibit and they presented their project in front of some judges. The theme was “Turning points in history: People, Ideas, Events”. Their project title was “Plunge into the Privy: Changing a Crappy Past”. They created an outhouse with information inside and out. Moving on from their school competition to regionals, They added an “interview” panel and that was where Rick caem in to be a resource for them!

After talking to Rick about Outhouse Digging, here was their response to him: “Hey Mr. Rick,
Thanks for talking with us it was super cool stuff and info!!! We really enjoyed meeting up with you and seeing all of your finds in person (especially the Puce Eagle). We also LOVED Willy!!!! Thanks soooo much for the bottles they look great in the outhouse (we’ll send you pictures over the weekend)!!! We can not wait for the competition on Saturday to show them off!
Thanks times a million,

and this a bit later…

“We got 2nd place in our category! Just getting home! THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR INPUT!

The judges ask a few questions during our “interview time” with them about our project. We got asked about your bottles. Here are some pictures of our project at the Jim Thorpe High School today.” (They are below)

The kids who did their school project on “the history of the toilet ” got into AB & GC magazine.  You can read the article below (blow it up on your screen). They did their school project on the history of the toilet and that included building an Outhouse as well as displaying bottles and artifacts that were dug up during an outhouse dig. Take a look at the pictures below!

Story about kids digging part 1
Have Outhouse, Will Travel
Story about kids digging part 2
history of the toilet Part 2


Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project


Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project


Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project
Kids Outhouse Digging School Project


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