Tom Felty – Outhouse Race Entry

I went to the Trenary Outhouse Classic race in 2017 and was the timer. I raced for ten years but the last four I have helped in many jobs. This was my 14th year and I had a great time seeing many friends. Tom (Terrific) Felty


Tom's 2013 Trenary Outhouse Race Entry
Tom’s 2013 Trenary Outhouse Race Entry
Tom's 2013 Trenary Outhouse Race Entry
Tom’s 2013 T oilet Trenary Outhouse Entry

Per Tom, “this is the  T   oilet I will be pushing this year [2013]”.

Tom Felty became a fixture at the Trenary Outhouse Races over the years…all because of The Outhouses of America Tour web site. He became such an enthusiast that the first year he came alone. Did I mention he drove up FROM INDIANA to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan???!!!

He met me at the races. Back then, I was the official photographer and videographer of the races.

Tom Felty at Trenary Outhouse Races in 2016
Tom Felty at Trenary Outhouse Races in 2016

He came back year after year. First he brought a few of his family. Then he brought more and more of his relatives. Eventually, he brought over 20 of his extended family. First he just watched. Then he built and raced outhouses. Then he volunteered to help out with timing, judging or whatever they needed. It is a pretty amazing story and he is such a nice person. I ran into him last year (2016) at the races. I worked the races for over 10 years and then took a few years off. Then last year in 2016, I again attended the races with my brother in law. We are a team during the races. He takes pictures and I film it.

Tom showing past outhouse he raced
Tom showing past outhouse he raced
Tom showing past outhouse he raced
Tom showing past outhouse he raced

In 2016, he told me that he had me to thank for all his fame. As a result of finding my web site, he has been interviewed on TV and by other media.  He is quite humble about it and quite amazed at all the hoopla over Outhouses and Outhouse Racing!

I didn’t attend this year (2017) due to foot surgery and I can’t say when I will attend again but it sure was a lot of fun the years I went.

This page is to honor Tom and all his hard work, effort and enthusiasm that he displayed during all the times I met up with him and his family. Did I mention that last year on the way there, a deer ran into his truck and caused a lot of damage? Well, it did. He proudly showed me the dents AND the hair from the deer on his truck.

Damage from deer strike driving to Trenary
Damage from deer strike driving to Trenary
Deer Hair from deer strike driving to Trenary
Deer Hair from deer strike driving to Trenary

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