While driving through the small town of Curtis, Michigan, I spotted this outhouse next to an old house by the lake.

Tours since 1997
Bathroom in Noe Valley neighborhood, which became focus of ire for reported $1.7m cost, actually came in at about $200,000.
I remember this story. Everyone was up in arms over how a public bathroom could cost $1.7 million dollars. A Port A Jon would be much less!
Circa 2024
A ride-sharing company is offering “restroom enthusiasts” a four-hour tour of Tokyo’s public toilets. The guided trip provides sort of the opposite of a souvenir.
THE TOKYO TOILET is a project where 16 world class creators
redesigned 17 public toilets in Shibuya, Tokyo, transforming them into restrooms that can be used comfortably by everyone.
“THE TOKYO TOILET SHUTTLE TOUR*” explores the unique toilets of Tokyo.
Timing and Frequency:
From Friday 1st March 2024 (*Twice a week)
On a recent drive through Wisconsin, I stopped at several locations that had Outhouses. These were both found at a rest stop in Mountain, Wisconsin.
The red Outhouse was usable and of course, I had to use it. The log cabin looking Outhouse was next to an old log cabin at the same rest stop.
Further on in Evergreen, Wisconsin, I found an old Church that still had an Outhouse in the back along with an old water pump. It looked like this Outhouse was still usable.
Roman toilets
The rich would have their servants sit on a spot to warm the marble until they got there. The channel in front had water running along in it and when you finished your business, you grabbed a stick with a sponge on the end, dipped it in the water and wiped yourself. Of course those near the end had dirtier water to use than those at the beginning of the line.
Pictures used by permission from Lester S.
I was contacted by Lester S. who said the following:
We have a concrete base with number “191” marked into the concrete behind the rectangular seat base. It’s not set at an angle. Located in Washington County southern IL. I don’t think it’s a WPA unit but I’m guessing.
It sure looks to me like it could be another form for an WPA Outhouse platform. He sent me the above picture along with several others that are below. Does anyone out there have any idea if this was something else?
When you take a look at the concrete rectangle, it has a hole all the way down and the top could hold a wooden platform the could include the Outhouse hole along with a seat of some type.
Here are the other pictures.
Being the Curator of the Outhouses of America Tour website, I saw that Darn Tough, which is located in Vermont, sells hiking socks with a flying outhouse sewn into them. They offered to send me a pair and I took them up on it.
The socks arrived today and I immediately made a video to feature them on YouTube. You can click on the picture to see the video or click Here to see it.
I used Darn Tough socks when I hiked the Appalachian Trail and I use them every time I go hiking or backpacking. When you buy Darn Tough socks, there are two things that are superior about them:
Many a thru hiker has had their Darn Tough socks replaced for free while hiking the Appalachian Trail (AT), the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and the Continental Divide (CDT) trail as well as all the other long distance trails. Once you purchase a pair and try them out, you will be truly satisfied.
My YouTube channel is called JLDRDOTCOM (@littlethislittlethat456) and I feature lots of Fun videos, Backpacking and Hiking videos, Guitar videos and more.
Happy Hiking!
The Himiway Zebra is one of the newest E-Bike offerings from Himiway. In 2021, I had to have open heart surgery and a quadruple bypass. Since the bypass, I recovered and am pretty much back to my old self. Don’t get me wrong, when you have open heart surgery, you do have to be aware of what your body is telling you.
I do a lot of exercising but I wanted to get back into bike riding. I discovered that with an E-Bike, you can actually pedal and shift gears just like a normal bike. The difference is that, if you want to, you can have the electric motor propel you at over 20 MPH without pedaling. So once you get tired, the motor can do the work.
I began doing research on E-Bikes and there are a lot of brands out there promising everything under the sun. I ended up deciding on a Himiway because they seem to be on top of the technology. Keep reading below for more details about the bike.
For current pricing on the Himiway Zebra, click the affiliate link below:(It won’t cost you any more to purchase by following our link but it will help to keep our website going should you purchase any of their E-Bikes. You will also still be able to take advantage of any current discounts and promotions.)
Himiway has been a disrupter in the electric bike industry for a while now, and the Himiway Zebra electric fat tire bike may be one of the best!
The Himiway Zebra is a Class 2 E-Bike and is powered by a 750W rear hub motor, a huge 960Wh battery that can take you from 60 to 80 miles, hydraulic brakes are standard, it has a redesigned frame and a host of other upgraded components. The Zebra is designed for the general public as well as speed lovers and fat-tire aficionados.
Additional Specifications:400 lb. Payload CapacityBattery is enclosed in the frame to protect it from the elementsUp to 20 MPH (and higher if you unlock it)Upgraded 6061 Aluminum FrameSturdy Rear Rack (wood etched with the Himiway logo)Half Twist ThrottleShimano 7 Speed Gear Shift SystemMultifunctional Display48 Volt Luminosity Headlight and Tail Light/Integrated Brake Light26″X4″ KENDA All-Terrain TiresSELLE Royal SaddleDurable Aluminum Cranksetand more…
This Zebra is the Step-Thru model and has a metal spec Pearl White paint job. There are also Zebra stripes so you know it’s a Zebra!Let me know your thoughts and questions in the comments below and I’ll attempt to answer them.
A friend of mine was traveling in Morocco recently and found this Outhouse for me. It is quite different from the Outhouses found in the United States, don’t you think?
Location in Morocco
Better view of where the Morrocan Outhouse is located
Visiting Germany at Christmastime is a great time. Christmas Markets are everywhere and of course, there is some “Merriment” going on that requires the use of the Wasser Closet (Outhouse).
Here we see a freshly cleaned Outhouse arriving via helicopter. I guess an emergency arose and they needed extra support for all the merriment going on?